Nsempiisms: Gossiping Gone High-tech

What is a gossip’s best attribute? I will tell you: The ability to propagate and spread information he or she haven’t even verified.

Are you a gossip? I am sure you said ‘No way!’

But we have many gossips on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. Yes, you and I. We share news items which sound and read more fictional than Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. We don’t pause to crosscheck. We only want to be the first to say ‘Ei! Have you heard?’

Social media has made gossiping so easy. This election year, gossiping will reach sizzling heights.

I have said that in election years, everyone will attempt to buy your mind for a pesewa. The response? Take every news item or post with a container of vacuum salt. Analyse. Doubt. Critique. Use your mind.

Think before you forward.

Hello, my name is NAD, I am a high-tech gossip but I am working on early retirement from active service.

Nsempiisms. My mouth has fallen.

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